
Zu Chongzhi Mathematics Research Seminar

Date and Time (China standard time): Monday, November 20, 3:00-4:00 pm

Location: IB 1050

Zoom: 976 0269 6045; Passcode: dkumath

Title: Lp estimates of orthogonal projections, dual Furstenberg problem, and discretized sum-product

Speaker: Bochen Liu

Bio: Bochen Liu is an associated professor in the math department of Southern University of Science and Technology, whose research interests are harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, and combinatorics.


L2 estimates of orthogonal projections are classical in geometric measure theory. In this talk we shall discuss about recent progress on Lp estimates. Then we come up with a dual version of the Furstenberg problem and introduce some partial results. We also find that, compared with general sets, Cartesian products have better Lp-behavior. This leads to improvement on some discretized sum-product estimates. This is joint work with Longhui Li.