Center for the Study of Contemporary China

The China Center within China

Upcoming Events

Citizens and State: Decoding Public Support and Opposition in China and Beyond
Ghosts, Shamans, and Gender Politics in China, 1942-1953
Inside the Circle: Queer Culture and Activism in Northwest China
Beyond Cultural “Hybrids”: Localizing Children’s Picture Books in China

Featured Faculty

David Landry

Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Duke Kunshan University

David Landry is an Assistant Professor of Political Economy at Duke Kunshan University. In addition to his teaching role, he has been co-leading the China and the Global South Cluster at the CSCC and is the principal investigator of a Faculty Research & Creative Activity Project titled “Mapping Chinese Mines around the World,” which receives funding from the CSCC. His project involves assembling comprehensive information on Chinese-owned mining operations globally, highlighting their locations, operational histories, and associated corporate social responsibility initiatives. This research is poised to shed light on the global footprint of Chinese mining enterprises and their socio-economic and environmental impacts. We are delighted to feature Professor Landry in our faculty interview series. In this interview, we explore the progress and insights of his research, its broader implications for understanding Chinese mining activities worldwide, and the future directions of his work. Read More

Featured Student

Hanyang Zhou

Class of 2026

Hanyang Zhou, an undergraduate student from DKU’s Class of 2026, stands out for her academic achievements and research contributions. Majoring in Computation & Design with a focus on Social Policy, Hanyang has been actively involved in various student research projects under the CSCC. As a student member of the Governing China Cluster and a research assistant to Prof. Fangsheng Zhu, she has explored critical issues such as educational inequality and the impacts of China’s Double Reduction Policy. Currently, Hanyang is leading a CSCC student-initiated research project titled “The ‘Invisible’ Female Riders in China’s Food Delivery: Exploring the Impact of Platform Algorithms on Female Workers in the Gig Economy.” Additionally, she co-presides over the DKU Youngsters Charity Club, advocating for rural education in China. Her multifaceted engagement in academic, research, and extracurricular activities marks her as an exemplary student and emerging scholar at DKU. Read More

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Address: No. 8 Duke Avenue, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, China 215316

Phone Number: +86 512 36657053
