Faculty Research Product Workshop

CSCC Faculty Research Product Workshop (Max. 5,000 USD)

Submission Deadline: November 3, 2023
Award Notification Date: within six weeks

Program Description:

The CSCC Faculty Research Product Workshop Grant is designed to assist faculty members in transforming their already excellent scholarly projects into superior published works, such as books, special issues, or a series of articles, either as solo-authored or in collaboration with scholars outside of DKU (preferably from DKU, Duke, or Wuhan University).

This grant will provide funding of up to $5,000 for faculty to organize research product workshops. These workshops will invite 2-5 experts in the respective fields, and if applicable, an editor from a journal or press, to provide valuable insights and feedback on the manuscripts during in-person or Zoom workshops. The workshops will include presentations from the invited guests regarding their thoughts on the manuscript(s), responses from the author(s), and general discussions, all with the goal of enhancing the quality and impact of the research products.

The CSCC Faculty Grant Review Committee reviews proposals and makes funding recommendations to the DKU Co-Director. Depending on the numbers of applications, 1-2 awards are granted annually. The project duration should not exceed two years.


  • Applicants must be employed full-time by DKU for the current academic year and have a contract (or formal agreement of full employment with the university) for the two academic years following the grant period.
  • Priority will be given to high-quality applications from faculty who have not received the award in the previous two-year period.
  • Faculty may not receive this grant in consecutive years.
  • Faculty may not receive more than 7,000 USD in research grant support in total within one academic year, combining CSCC Faculty Research & Creative Activity Grant, Faculty-Student Collaborative Research Grant, and Faculty Research Product Workshop Grant.
  • Priority will be given to projects where applicants do not have existing funding support from other sources. If applicants have or are actively applying for other support, they must mention this in their proposal.

Application Materials: Applicants must submit the following components:

  • Curriculum Vitae: A current curriculum vitae highlighting the applicant’s research achievements and relevant experience (Not to exceed three pages).
  • Project Description: A comprehensive project description, consisting of project summary and a detailed progress report on the research project (Not to exceed six pages, single-spaced).
  • Proposed Workshop Participants: A list of 2-5 experts in the relevant field, along with a rationale for their selection as workshop participants (Not to exceed two pages).
  • Proposed Workshop Schedule: A overall agenda of the workshop (Not to exceed two pages)
  • Sample Chapter or Working Paper: A sample chapter or working paper from the research project that provides a representative overview of the work (Not to exceed 30 pages, double-spaced, bibliography included).
  • Correspondence with acquisition editors from potential presses, if applicable.
  • Submit all required components as one PDF file.

Evaluation Criteria:

Each proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with CSCC’s Mission: How well does the research project align with the mission of the Center for the Studies of Contemporary China in contributing to the understanding of contemporary China?
  • Project Quality and Potential Impact: How promising is the research project, and how likely is it to lead to a superior published work?
  • Workshop Participants’ Relevance: Are the proposed workshop participants experts in the field, capable of providing valuable insights to enhance the research product?
  • Workshop Plan and Rationale: Does the proposed workshop plan demonstrate a clear structure for feedback and discussion, and is the rationale for selecting the participants well-justified?
  • Contribution to Faculty Development: How beneficial will the workshop be for the faculty member’s professional growth and research advancement?


All publications, conference posters or presentations, or other means of dissemination resulting from work supported by a CSCC research grant should acknowledge funding from the Center for the Study of Contemporary China, Duke Kunshan University.

Final Project Report Requirement:

Each grant recipient is required to submit a final project report. This report should be no more than 2 pages long (single-spaced). The final project report must be submitted by the stated deadline and should provide a comprehensive overview of the project’s results and achievements.

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: November 3, 2023

Award Notification Date: within six weeks

Final Project Report Deadline: Two years from the award notification date

Fund Closing Date: Two years from the award notification date

All grant proposals and inquiries should be sent to Chi Zhang, the program coordinator for the Center for the Studies of Contemporary China.

*In terms of budget adjustments, it is standard practice for the CSCC to apply the 10% rule, which means that a maximum of 10% of the total grant award can be modified for expenditures not indicated in the original budget, and a revised budget will need to be submitted to our co-director, Prof. Baozhen M. Luo-Hermanson, for approval.

List of CSCC Research Grant for Faculty Research Product Workshop Projects

  • Keping Wu | Displacement and Its Discontents: Urbanization and Unruly Spirits in Contemporary China
  • Qian Zhu | (Tentative) Future of the Workers: New Village Movement and the Building of the Chinese nation, 1919-1936
  • Jason Todd | (Tentative) How Dictators Maintain One-Party Rule: Ballot Order Manipulation Around the World
  • Megan Rogers | Faiths and Fortune: Religion and the Professional Middle Class in Urban China
  • Mengqi Wang | The Rigid Demand of Homeownership in Urban China