Building Connections: A Recap of the 2023 CSCC Conference 

Day #2: Saturday, November 4, 2023
Opening Remarks

Prasenjit Duara, the Director of the Asia Pacific Studies Institute at Duke University, Ralph Litzinger, Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Cultural Anthropology at Duke University, and Keping Wu, a distinguished anthropologist and former CSCC Co-Director at Duke Kunshan University, set the tone for the second day with their opening remarks. Together, they orchestrated an introduction that defined the day’s proceedings as one marked by rigorous intellectual exploration.

Clusters Sharing Sessions
The morning sessions commenced with the China Images & Stories Cluster, led by Kaley Clements, Cici Cheng, and Binbin Li. Kaley shared his work in the Mekong River region, providing a brief insight into his visual projects. Following that, the Digital Technology and Society Cluster, spearheaded by the cluster lead Fan Liang and supported by members Charles Chang, Xin Tong, and Luyao Zhang, delved into investigating the correlation between the utilization of digital data, tools, and Chinese society. At 11:00 am, the focus shifted to the N Aging and Care Initiative, led by Baozhen Luo-Hermanson and co-led by Meifang Chen. Their discussion, titled “Putting Care in the Front and Center of Discourses on Aging in China: Integrating Research, Professional Practice, and Policy-Making,” provided insightful perspectives on various aspects of aging, including a poignant example of a creative elderly couple coping with Alzheimer’s disease in Wuhan.