
03:00 PM


04:30 PM


LIB 1117


Event details

Time: Wednesday April 24, 3:00-4:30PM BJT

Location: LIB 1117

Guest Speaker: Dr. Kang Liu, Professor of Asian and African Languages and Literature

Elected Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea

Director, Duke Program of Research on China

Professor of Chinese Studies

Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Duke University

Moderator: Dr. Qian Zhu, Assistant Professor of History, Duke Kunshan University


Modern China’s institutions and modes of knowledge have gone through a great deal of tension, ruptures, metamorphoses and transformations. This article traces the genealogy of modern European modes of knowledge under the rubrics of ‘liberal arts’ as the origin and basis for modern China’s institutions and modes of knowledge, and then examines China’s ‘liberal arts’ as institution and modes of knowledge from the early years of the twentieth century to the present. The paper’s objective is to raise the China question of western theory, in order to open up new space for rethinking modern Chinese intellectual history.