The Office of Faculty Affairs supports several voluntary mentorship and advising programs for faculty at DKU.

  1. DUKE CONNECTIONS: Connects junior faculty at DKU to experienced faculty at Duke University, who have expertise in their  field of scholarship. Duke mentors can offer guidance and feedback to mentees about their scholarship and foster networking opportunities. If you are interested in being connected to a mentor at Duke in your field, contact Office of Faculty Affairs at
  2. PEER MENTORSHIP: The Office of Faculty Affairs is piloting a peer mentorship program. Peer mentors from the 2018 and 2019 hiring cohorts are connected to new faculty in peer mentoring teams. Faculty Affairs sponsors team lunches and other events. We are currently recruiting peer mentors (peer mentoring counts as service for tenure and promotion). If you would like to volunteer, contact Office of Faculty Affairs at
  3. FACULTY ADVISORS ON STUDENT CARE: The Office of Faculty Affairs, in collaboration with the Office of Student Affairs is recruiting volunteer faculty advisors to support their colleagues who have questions or concerns about students who may experiencing mental health problems. Training is provided and student care advising counts as service for tenure and promotion. If you would like to volunteer, contact Office of Faculty Affairs at
  4. CHAIRS AND DIRECTORS PEER MENTORING: The Office of Faculty Affairs facilitates peer mentoring lunches and other events for division chairs and program/center directors, to foster sharing of experiences and exchange of ideas.