Peer for You

Who we are​

Peer for You (PFY) is a student-run resource that promotes wellbeing by providing the space for DKU students to reach out to peers for support and referrals. Students can reach out to our Peer Responders, who are trained by CAPS, about anything from academic stress and homesickness to student life. Peer Responders are here to provide support, refer students to other resources when needed, and offer the point of view of a peer.

Peer for You envisions a campus where students feel freer to share their struggles and difficulties with one another. We hope to foster a more supportive Duke Kunshan community by encouraging students to be more open and honest with themselves and each other. 

What we do​

Peer Responders will provide two main peer supports, one-to-one online chat room and drop-in session during online school. One-on-one online chat room opens to students who make an appointment in advance. The schedule of the drop-in sessions will be posted online when Peer for You program launches. Coffee Chats will replace the online chat room after the DKU campus reopens.

Duke and DKU PFY collaboration​

DKU Peer for You is working closely with Duke Peer for You under the guidance of CAPS to help launch and provide a strong peer mental health program for DKU students. We are very excited to share that Duke Peer for You has generously agreed to offer an online webinar for DKU volunteer peer responders to share their experiences and answer any Peer for You program-related questions. We also hope to pair up Duke and DKU peer responders to build peer consultation and connection virtually and during your study at Duke.